The Whimsical World of Angela Cohen

Actualizing the Cartoonish Thoughts in my head

My Chihuahua is a STAR

Today I posted the first of what I plan to be MANY videos of Charley the Chihuahua simply being amazing. This dog has the personality of Amy Poehler and charisma of Steve Carrell wrapped into a cute, 8 1/2 lb hairy package. He’s part Bambi, part bunny. He’s got the vert of Michael Jordan. He’s got the smarts, of well, me, and he’s also an aristocrat. See photo for id.


So as opposed to making this an ode to Charles Alowicious Lanaster the First, I will illustrate the power of not getting it perfect, just getting it DONE! I’ve been talking about starting Charley videos for about a year now. We’ve had dreams of creating Bat Boy Charley, Zoot Suit Charley, Charley’s Day Off, Sir Charles PI, and more, but haven’t quite put the dream into action. I’m currently writing, starring in, and producing my own web series and my significant other (not Charley) has been urging me to focus on my own career, as opposed to such minuscule things as Chihuahuas and Rainbows. But Oh! How I love my little Charley and all of the hilarious situations gets himself into. Like everyday how he leaps from couch to kitchen, catching air, his enormous ears blowing in the wind…OK, I digress.

So I decided to just do it! I didn’t edit it, make it fancy, add sexy music, or dress him in a top hat. I just hit record on my outdated IPhone 3gS and let him do his thing- make his magic. And I’m proud of it! I feel empowered. HE feels empowered. He told me so…and all on a mere Friday morning. If Maru the Cat can have 7 million views on YouTube and he’s a mere feline, so can Charley the Chihuahua.

Did I mention he’s a star?

Check out his debut here.

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